Thursday, October 30, 2008

Gimme a G.. G! Gimme an O...O!

Next up, we have Jensen bringing home TWO prizes this week!
Her Cheer squad took 1st place at Competition and then she won Best Costume at a Halloween party! Not just ANY Halloween party mind you, it was THE party of the year (for as much as 7th graders know about parties!)
So.. props to my homegirl!!!

C'mon Baby Light My Fire

I am so proud of my kids this week!! First off, we have Jamey, who receieved his letter of acceptance to COLLEGE!!! He is going to be a firefighter! I am so happy he has finally gotten back on the right track with his future!!!

Friday, October 17, 2008

Is this really ALL they've got for news today?

Plus, she worries Maddox will find sexy photos of her on the Internet

Really?? This is all they could come up with today?? Who the hell is this news to?? I am pretty sure the whole world remembers the crazy sex they had the entire time they were filming Mr and Mrs Smith and yes, Brad was very much still married!!! I vividly remember reading the stories from the cameramen who heard wild animal sounds coming from the Homewrecker's cabin wondering if she was okay, only to see Brad sneaking out later. I did not click the READ MORE link because what else could she say that we don't already know about her? And as for her kids finding nudie pics on the internet, well ya dumb bitch, don't pose for nudie pics!

Saturday, October 11, 2008


Hugh Hefner, 82, likes 'em young, blonde ... and bad.Turns out Hef's 19-year-old handpicked twin successors to the throne of Holly, Bridget and Kendra come with a checkered past. Karissa (left) and Kristina Shannon (right) -- who have recently moved into the Playboy Mansion -- were both busted by St. Petersburg, Fla. police for felony aggravated battery back in January. They both received probation and were ordered to pay restitution to the two victims.Karissa also has a misdemeanor battery charge on her record from 2007. Playboy had no comment.
This is what he replaced Holly, Bridget and Kendra with?? Um.. ewwww
But then again, I guess nobody is looking for pretty faces when they pick up a Playboy.

Monday, October 6, 2008

Doogles effin' rocks

So, I may have created some Clever-ass ecards and submitted them on but being not so clever when it comes to HTML, I need my baby bro to help me get the NUMBER ONE sent Halloween card (created by moi) to copy on my blog!!
That's right, NUMERO UNO, bitches!!

Sunday, October 5, 2008

Iron Man- this movie sucks balls!

Rented Iron Man last night. This movie was a new millenium hybrid of Star Wars meets Indiana Jones... oh why am I wasting time here.. It SUCKED ASS! Boring, stupid LONG and my entire bottle of Pinot Grigio did not even give me a buzz because I was so wanting this to end!
Made me want to go buy a VCR and watch Less than Zero... now THAT is some good entertainment from Mr Downey Jr.

Friday, September 26, 2008

Thearlsday is back!

Last night we welcomed the return of My Name is Earl. Now this is a family fave in the Reilly household. Last season we had some that fell off the Earl wagon because the prison story did drag out and the show lost a lot of it's first season funny, but this season started with the old story line returning and all characters bringing their "A" game.
I laughed my ass off at my fave trailer park tramp with all her colloquial Joyisms and platinum hairpieces! She is absolutely the funniest one on the show. I thought she could never top her best line so far....

"boys go fetch momma's plastic stripper shoes out of the lego box"

But last night I choked on my popcorn when she quipped..

"fe fi fum fo, I smell the stank of a stankass ho"

the writers are back in top form this season! Kudos!

Monday, September 22, 2008

Please pass the Xanax .....

Means nothing to me


This, on the other hand, You Can't Touch!
Wow! Talk about repressed childhood memories resurfacing and causing a panic attack.... Corey is now bringing home a weekly packet with homework for each night that is due on Friday morning. He brought his first packet home Friday and it took all of 15 minutes for him to complete for the entire week. He only asked for help twice.. with WORD PROBLEMS!!
omg, my heart started racing and all the memories of me sitting at the kitchen table at night in first grade and every damn grade thereafter crying because I could read and read and read that stupid little paragraph a hundred times and have NO clue where to begin. Truly, I would panic and sob hysterically while my parents patiently sat through it with me asking questions, hoping it would suddenly click in my head on it's own rather than just telling me the answers. I give them props on that one because that kind of patience does NOT come naturally to me! Hence, the Xanax comment.
Anyways, the first one was easy, all I had to do was tell him that after he read it, he had to answer the question at the end that the first part of the story told him. He didn't ask again, he wrote, 2+4=6, said "that was easy, is that all I had to do?" and went on to the next day's work. The very last item for the week was yet another word problem, now I read it and thought what the hell is this? You cannot even make an equasion out of it, the answer is just right there. HA!!! It took my first grader to correct me on that because dammit it was a trick question.
Mrs Brown bought 2 new pairs of shoes. How many new shoes does Mrs Brown have?
Uh.. yeah, whatever, If this came instantly to you, then good on ya but for me? My first thought was DUH she's got 2 shoes dummy! Well, I said nothing wondering what Corey would come up with and he said 2 shoes? Then he read it again and said "Oh she has FOUR shoes, right" I said,
"Of course she does, what took you so long to figure that one out genius?"
NO, I did NOT say that, I said "You are the smartest boy alive, that was a trick question and you were too smart to be fooled" (like your old dumb mommy) LOL
So, looks like there won't be any nights of sitting at the kitchen table with my son in tears as he struggles to comprehend word problems!!
Yay for Corey!!!

Sarah Palin

So I have always followed my Mom's motto.. never discuss Religion or Politics. Well I have heard it many times in many places from many people but my Mom is the first one I heard it from.

Something is irking me and I thought, "hey, this is MY blog, I write it for ME, so I can say whatever I am thinking on any subject here"

Here goes...

I simply think Sarah Palin is a horrible mother and wife and has NO damn business trying to be Vice President of the United States or a BP station. The woman gave birth just months ago to a baby with Down's Syndrome and now has a teen daughter who is pregnant. What the hell?? I am not saying MY daughters would never end up a statistic of teen pregnancy, but my GOD, Sarah, you need to be AT HOME with your poor son who needs your love and attention more than anyone else! Having a pregnant teen at this time just shows us that you are even more irresponsible. Maybe if you spent more time with the family that YOU chose to create, I might have a little respect for you. Right now, it is your HUSBAND who deserves the respect of this country, not you! I think you should be aDAMNshamed of yourself for leaving behind the needs of your young family. Now maybe if you waited another 15 yrs or so, I might have been able to listen to you and take you seriously but right now all I think when I hear your name is what a shitty wife and mother!

I am by NO means saying women should stay at home and not have a career as I am getting ready to go back to school myself for a complete 180 in life. I am saying that Sarah Palin has no business running for Vice President at this time when her infant son and teenage daughter need her undivided attention right now.

There, it has been said and I feel MUCH better getting that off my chest.

So remember, if you happened upon this article, this is MY blog and I have voiced MY thoughts here. I am not starting a fight or debate with anyone and you are welcome to leave your comments behind.

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Puffy Mcpuffshirt

My 16th birthday... looks like I was rockin' the Original Puffy Shirt long before it was a gleam in Seinfeld's eye!


"Hey lady, I can see your vajayjay" said the little boy on the street below and I knew Privileged was another hit new show for me! Also having a guest appearance by Debi Mazar didn't hurt. I have been a fan of hers forever now! Another line I loved is "you're not so 'googleable'. " Story of my life, trying to do something so profound that I am googleable! Hell, I have tried every search word I can come up with and even my silly blog is not so googleable!

This show is a GUILTY PLEASURE for sure!! It serves no purpose other than pure dorkafiable entertainment when the kids are in bed and I just want to shut down the brain and relax. It is probably another show I pick up that will not last (ie: DIRT and What about Brian), but for now, it is an awesome time slot for me, following my hyper hour of 90210, after that I need a show to help me wind back down before my beauty slumber!

Friday, September 5, 2008

Pirate Pizazz!

I need a JOOOOOOOOB!!! It is painfully obvious that I have way too much time on my hands when I am playing "let's dress up the baby like a pirate prostitot"!

But she is the damn cutest lil pirate you ever did see!!!
TMZ will Rue the Day they didn't add my little princess to their baby slideshow!!! I didn't even want the $14!! I wanted to say "I am the first parent PROUD that their kid is featured on TMZ"!!! RUE THE DAY, I say.... arrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrgh!!

Rah Rah Rah!!


Yay for Football Season!!! I remembered everything BUT THE CAMERA for Jensen's first game yesterday!! Only the biggest rivalry of the season!! So.. all I have today is this crappy photo I took with my cell phone.!! She is the adorable hottie back left!! I am so proud of my little Rah Rah!!! She beat out girls that have been cheering for 8 years and also her coach's daughter from last year!! We did kick Amelia's butt even after the bogus foul called that took away one of our boy's touchdowns!! Karma is a bitch, Ref, karma is a bitch!!!


David Duchovny cheated on his wife for years before finally entering a rehab clinic for sex addiction...The X Files star allegedly agreed to seek treatment after heartbroken Tea Leoni discovered his indiscretions and threatened to divorce him. 'He said Tea gave him an ultimatum: Get treatment or our marriage is over,' a source is quoted as telling the National Enquirer. 'She felt it was ruining their marriage and affecting their kids.' The actor has been married to the Deep Impact actress for 11 years, and the couple have a daughter, Madelaine West, nine, and a six-year-old son, Kyd. According to the source, Duchovny has admitted that he is compulsively driven to be unfaithful and finds it impossible to turn down the legions of women who offer themselves to him. Leoni is said to have grown suspicious of her husband's behaviour in recent months and after questioning him on a number of occasions, the 48-year-old finally admitted that he had been cheating on her. Duchovny checked into The Meadows facility in Arizona last week and is currently completing a 35 day course."

Don't like to brag.... oh what the hell.. I LOVE to brag..... soooo... TOLD YA SO>> TOLD YA SO>>>(yes i am doing the 'Will and Grace' dance). I didn't even bat an eye when the reports came out after the original saying he didn't cheat, he was addicted to internet porn because I KNEW he cheated!! Celebrities are sooo transparent!! Tea is a fool to stay with him.... 35 days is going to cure mutiple years of cheating?? Don't think so.. RUN Tea, RUN!!! Junk punch him in the man business and take everything he's got!!!! (I have been dying to use that line since watching 'What happens in Vegas' last weekend, which by the way is a GREAT comedy!) Who are these 'LEGIONS OF SKANKS (oops WOMEN) offering themselves to him?" I would not give that ugly cowlick sporting old man the time of day. I don't care WHO he (thinks) he is!! yuck!!

Wednesday, September 3, 2008


Okay, I will admit it.. I was a HUGE 90210 fan back in the day so curiousity got the better of me as the CW hyped the NEW 90210 all summer and I thought "well, I will watch ONE episode just to say I did" and I am HOOKED!!

They almost lost me in the first few minutes with Lori Laughlin (gag me, terrible actress, never liked her at all) and the all too innocent "new" Brandon and Brenda moving to the Hills of Beverly. I thought this was just too ridiculous for me. I didn't think they deserved to be using the original theme music for this piece. (I now retract that thought)

Well I am thankful now that I did not change the channel during that first commercial break because now we meet drunken granny. She is great, love her!
I am not just saying that because she obviously does not like her daughter in law, Lori Laughlin... lol maybe I am a little!

Then came Kelly Taylor... yay for Kelly!! She's my fave. And it got better and better for the next hour and 45! Also, did anyone else notice the girl reading the school news at the very beginning?? Her last name is Zuckerman! So.. is this Andrea's daughter?? Anyways... I LOVE that Kelly and Brenda are together again, hanging at the Peach Pit with Nat!! LOVE the references to the 90210ld and not so much the spoiled brats on the new1210! Took me until Kelly called Silver her "lil sis" to realize this was baby ERIN SILVER all growed up now!! Funny how she looks just like Valerie! And the previews next week bring back Kelly's mom! I could do without all the teen drama that their world is coming to an end because of a silly text message! Annie with her wide eyed innocent Dorothy from Kansas act is a little over the top for me. And I was so happy that Eden from Nip/Tuck only lasted one season but then she shows up here, still the everpresent slutty bitchy whore she was as Eden, but oh well, guess every show needs one!

Yes, this was a big hit for me, surprise, surprise and I cannot wait to tune in next Tuesday as long as they keep up the OLD storylines and characters because there are enough rich spoiled teeny bopper tv shows on already.... she says as she anxiously awaits the premiere of PRIVILEGED about 2 spoiled teen sisters!!

Sunday, August 31, 2008

Sex Addiction is the New Black!

Oh puuuuuhleeease!!! There is NO such thing as a sex addiction! (see my thoughts on blog below)

But what I do see is a very lucrative career choice for those who specialize in Addictions/Psychology! Up until 3 days ago, I did not even realize you could GET a degree in Addictions?? But you can, and I am seriously thinking about it... enough to at least call my local college that just sent me an enrollment brochure listing all their degree programs and find out whazzzzup with that!

I am hoping my lil 'bro who has a degree in psychology jumps on the bandwagon and cashes in on this wussy excuse for a lameass cheating s.o.b.!! He is on his way back.

You go Dr. Doogles!!!

Friday, August 29, 2008

Celebrity B.S. Translation 101

LOS ANGELES (Aug. 29) - David Duchovny has entered a rehabilitation facility for sex addiction.

In a statement released Thursday by his lawyer, Stanton Stein, the actor said he did so voluntarily, adding: "I ask for respect and privacy for my wife and children as we deal with this situation as a family."

In the REAL world this translates to:Oh shit!! My wife, Tea Leoni, caught my sorry ass cheating and I better come up with a pathetic ass reason before she takes our 2 kids and HALF of everything I have right on the cusp of my X-Files movie being a huge success!

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Oh Dr Drew... say it ain't so

(Aug. 25) - The California psychiatric center affiliated with pop culture icon Dr. Drew Pinsky is under investigation after three patients died and a 14-year-old was raped there in the past five months, according to media reports.

Pinsky, host of the "Loveline" radio show and the VH-1 show "Celebrity Rehab With Dr. Drew,"' is listed as co-medical director of the chemical dependency unit at the Aurora Las Encinas Hospital. He has said he did not directly treat any of the patients in question.

The hospital boasts $1,400-a-night rooms and spa-like amenities for well-heeled patients suffering from mental illness and substance abuse. Two patients died of overdoses in two days this April and the state Department of Health faulted the hospital for the deaths, according to reports by the Los Angeles Times and ABC News.

Jeffrey Hearn, 28, apparently overdosed on drugs he had been given by another patient, according to the news reports.

Alex Clyburn, 23, still had high levels of narcotics in his system when he checked into the facility, according to the Los Angeles Times. Doctors gave him additional medication and ordered staff to check on him every 15 minutes. He was found dead in his room the next morning, the Times said. The hospital fired a nurse for failing to look in on him.

The third person hanged himself earlier this month, and the next day the 14-year-old girl reported she was raped by a 16-year-old patient near where hospital staff slept, according to the Los Angeles Times.

Pinsky said he had nothing to do with any of the incidents.

"These are not my patients," he told "To associate me with these situations is really becoming an egregious problem."

Clyburn's mother said she considered Pinsky responsible.

"I think Dr. Drew is responsible for the quality of care on that unit and he should have known that there needed to be corrections made," Arline Clyburn told She said she plans to sue the hospital.

Pinsky first gained fame through the radio show "Loveline" in the late 1980s and 1990s and became known for his forthright advice. His new reality television show, based at a recovery facility near Aurora Las Encinas, has drawn fire from those who say he is unfairly taking advantage of patients as well as pushing the boundaries of what's acceptable for a reality television show.

The hospital featured Pinsky's photo on its Web site -- the only doctor so featured -- but soon after news of the deaths circulated the photo was removed.

The federal government threatened to halt funding for the hospital four years ago when two patients died. One drowned, and the other died after two days in leg restraints. He was supposed to be restrained for only 3 1/2 hours, according to news reports.

After the recent incidents a subsidiary of the nation's second-largest health insurer, UnitedHealth Group, has halted referrals to he hospital as the insurance company conducts its own investigation into the recent deaths.
Boy oh Boy!! I sure do LOVE me some Dr. Drew and have been counting the days to the new season of Celebrity Rehab on VH-1!!!

Now really, I have no idea if he is at fault or not but these people were seriously screwed up to land at this facility in the first place so they should be under ROUND THE CLOCK babysitting and under lockdown at certain times. Also patients should be searched inside and out LITERALLY for contraband. When I watched the first season of Celeb Rehab they did that. They wouldn't even let Mary Carey (VERY UNDERSTANDABLY) bring her porn movies or toys in with her! How did these NON celebrities smuggle all these drugs in??? And if it was from visitors, you should not be allowed unsupervised visits!!! C'mon folks!! I have NO medical background and could have done a better job at running the facility! I really hope the good Doctor is NOT at fault for any of these tragic deaths!!!

Cell Hell

We gave Corey Jamey's old prepay cellphone. Of course we are NOT putting minutes on it for a six year old but he just likes charging it up and playing all the ringtones on it and taking pictures, he follows us around saying "work it for me, i am the paparazzi" (a chip off the old block, or what?? LOL)

Anyways..... he was mad this morning because I wouldn't let him carry it to school in his bookbag. He tried to argue he needed it on the bus to check the time!! He is hiLARious for a six year old!!!!

Wham Bam Thank You Pam

First let me say to anyone who was googling pics of Pam Anderson and reached this, SORRY! I am sure this was not the "pam pic" you were looking for!

This little blog is to pay my homage to Pam Anderson. I think she gets a pretty bum rap that is not always deserved. I can honestly say that I always knew WHO she was and WHAT negative things I read about her in the tabloids but I really never thought anything other than "my god, how does one woman look so incredibly gorgeous all the time". Wasn't a fan, wasn't a hater, really didn't phase me one way or the other until one night when I went to bed early (again, sorry if this is not heading it the direction you are hoping for) to read my monthly issue of Jane Magazine. I get about 1/3 of the way thru and turn the page and there's Pam and a little blurb from Jane saying that from now on Pam will write a monthly article for them. I thought, oh no, what has Jane Magazine come to letting this woman write an article? Can she even put a sentence together.... I apologize profusely, Pam, for letting the media put a negative image in my mind from the get go with you!

I read her article and I was floored. I read it again and still in shock! I still kinda wondered if she put that together herself but I knew she did. And I thought to myself, this is a SMART woman, why does she make poor choices in men all the time? She is a wonderful, loving mother to her sons and I could clearly see month after month of flipping straight to her journal page, that those boys are her everything! She wrote every sentence straight from the heart whether she was talking about her boys, a failed relationship or her Hepatitis. I have nothing but respect for her and still think she is the sexiest woman alive no doubt about it!

It makes me wonder how she is so smart and yet still makes dumb decisions when it comes to men??? None of my business but I have to put my 2 cents in and say that I wish she would just stay with Tommy because personally, from the outside looking in, when they are together, they are both beaming with happiness and for better or worse, I think they are soulmates and will never find a love more powerful with anyone else.
I really don't see her boys growing up to be thugs or fucked up delinquents like many others in Hollywood today.

So, here's to you, Pam!!

My homework's done, can I go out to play?

So my middle two, Jensen and Corey, went back to school yesterday. Corey is in first grade this year so he goes a full day. I ran a couple of errands with the baby and came home to a QUIET house, no fighting, no tvs blaring no kids running in and out and making a mess in the kitchen all day... aahhhhh what better break could a mom ask for.......

AND THEN THEY CAME BACK... and MY homework began!! Why oh why do I have to fill out the same endless stack of paperwork for each child year after year after year when nothing has changed from last May when they left the SAME schools??? Do they throw away the student files on the last day of school?? I think they should have the info already there and even the papers I filled out yesterday asked for the SAME INFO over and over just on different colored copy paper and sometimes on a cutesy index card. o m g!!! I think I have carpal tunnel from all that writing!!! I don't write anymore, I TYPE!! Doesn't everyone type these days?? We used to get in trouble for passing notes in school, not anymore.. now they get their cell phones confiscated for texting in class! I think if your information- ie: address or phone.. has not changed since the end of last school year, you should NOT have to continue to fill out all new paperwork each August. I asked my best friend how she can stand it when she has all four of hers in school at the same time. She said "I locked myself upstairs and said NOBODY BOTHER me, and 2.5 hours later I emerged with a headache!"

I am glad mine are spaced so that I will never have more than 2 in school at the same time!!!! My biological clock only set off the alarm when my "baby du jour" was starting kindergarten!! That alarm will have to stay on permanent snooze this time as I cannot fathom it ringing successfully when Kasey starts school in five years and I am well..... let's just say I won't be 29 any longer!!!

Thursday, August 21, 2008

Apparently in Ohio, we like our babies WELL DONE

Baby Found Dead At Cincinnati Christian University

Police cruiser blocks driveway on the Price Hill campus.
Cincinnati police are investigating the death of an 11-month-old baby girl found inside a minivan in Price Hill around 4:30 p.m. Wednesday afternoon. (DEJA VU for us in Cincy!)
Police say the baby's mother, Dr. Jodie Edwards, left the infant girl inside the van in a parking lot on the campus of Cincinnati Christian University. ( oh obvioulsy it was an ACCIDENT if she teaches at the CHRISTIAN UNIVERSITY, right?)
Police say the baby was discovered by her mother as she was leaving work this afternoon.
Earlier investigators had said they believed the girl had been left inside the van for several hours.
Police now say the child was still in her car seat when her mother reported for work at 8:30 a.m. Wednesday morning.
9News was told by a school official that Edwards had a recent change in her daycare routine and had not realized her daughter was still in the van when she parked it.
Edwards is a faculty member at Cincinnati Christian University where she teaches counseling.
9News was told the first day back for the school's faculty members was last Friday.
This Saturday marks the first anniversary of a tragedy reminiscent of what happened this afternoon at Cincinnati Christian University.
Former assistant principal Brenda Nesselroad-Slaby's two-year old daughter, Cecilia Slaby, died after being trapped for eight-hours inside a hot SUV outside Glen Este Middle School.
The temperature that day was up to 100 degrees Farenheit.
Clermont County prosecutors decided not to prosecute Nesselroad-Slaby.
The West Clermont school board agreed to allowing her to retire on disability, or pay her salary into next year if that failed. (makes me so proud that she was my daughter's vice principal and jealous that I can't get a job with those kind of benefits! kill your baby and get to leave your job and continue to get paid for a year)
A prayer vigil is being planned following Wednesday's tragedy.
If Wednesday's death is ruled hyperthermia it will be the first child death of its kind in Ohio this year.
But it would also be the 29th in the United States this year.
(I would like a list of all these "accidental" deaths from other states and to see if THOSE parents all walked away scott free!)

I am beyond outraged after staying up to watch the news last night. Her coworkers all said the same thing 'SHE HAD A CHANGE IN HER ROUTINE THAT'S WHY IT HAPPENED' OMFG!!! Those are the EXACT words of excuse that Brenda Slaby used one year ago. She changed her routine! I have FOUR kids going in all different directions all year long, my routine "CHANGES" all the time and I can assure you I have never and never would "FORGET" one of them and I can't say I know anyone with kids that ever has! It makes me sick!! Another wealthy woman will walk away free from killing a baby!!! If "go for the jugular Joe" lets her off it's only because he HAS to because they set the precedent for this with Brenda Slaby! I guess anyone wanting to get rid of their kids should come to Ohio where it's OK to cook your baby alive, but make sure you don't duct tape them and leave them in a closet, because apparently THAT is taking it a little too far! (google marcus fiesel... another fine family here in Shitcinnati)

Sunday, August 10, 2008

Another Day .... Another Dollar??

'Dollar Menu' May Soon Be '$1.29 Menu'
posted: 3 DAYS 2 HOURS AGO
BEIJING (Aug. 7) - McDonald's Corp. said on Thursday it was considering further price increases, but would do nothing that slowed customer traffic into its global network of stores.

Getty Images
The world's largest restaurant chain posted second-quarter profit that beat expectations on strong international sales, but said to offset mounting commodity pressures it was looking at changes to the popular Dollar Menu, which lures value diners.

"I don't think customers care that much if the price moves slightly away from a dollar," Chief Executive Jim Skinner told Reuters in an interview on the sidelines of an event to mark its sponsorship of the Olympics. "It will always be the best value around," he said.

Much speculation swirls around the fate of the Dollar Menu double cheeseburger, which McDonald's has tested in certain markets at prices up to $1.29.
Skinner said McDonald's might adjust some prices in the menu, but that it would not abandon the Dollar Menu because it was a key part of bringing customers into its stores.

"We won't get rid of the Dollar Menu ... we must maintain traffic," Skinner said.
During the first half of the year, McDonald's raised prices in the United States by 4 percent and prices across Europe were boosted by 2 percent to 4 percent.
But the price rise accounted for just under half of the average annual gain in commodity prices that McDonald's faces.

While reducing costs and increasing efficiency are a part of McDonald's everyday operations, the company would not scale back its expansion.

Is it just ME?? When I hit the DOLLAR store or the DOLLAR menu at a fast food joint, I only expect to pay ONE DOLLAR for each item I purchase!
"I don't think customers care that much if the price moves slightly away from a dollar,"

THIS customer sure does!!

Tuesday, August 5, 2008


So... since moving here in February, I have seen more "freaks of nature" than living for five years with our house backing up to the Cincy Nature Center!!! We have been swarmed by bats over our bonfire, cicadas, which are STILL hatching daily and SNAKES!! Not to mention the undergroud lair of a beehive right outside our bedroom window. We have blasted, smoked, tried to poison, flood and who knows what else to them and they are still there!

Just this morning, as the mailwoman passed, I go out and see yet another snake lying in the rain in front of my mailbox. Needless to say.. the mail is still in the box! I would rather see a snake than a bug anytime, but I didn't think stepping over his head to get into the mailbox would be one of my smarter moves!

Houston.... we have a poo flinger!

o m g!!!!!!

I hear Kasey crying this morning so i go get her some milk, go into her room and it was still a little dark and i see a big dark "thing" on the floor, at first i panic thinking it is a huge bug and it's a big turd!!! GROSS!!! oh, that was NOTHING!! I look in the crib.. the diaper is off, the sheets have dingleberrys and poop smears on them and she has it on her hands! NOW I freak out wondering if she ate it!! I wipe her up, let her have her cup, change the sheets. When she was finished, I was holding her on the couch and telling her we don't have POO FLINGERS in this family and I see poop smeared on her elbow, I grossed out and said "ok, bathtime" and she looks up at me and has TWO turds tangled in her bangs smashed to her forehead like frankenstein bolts!!! I am laughing so hard right now I am typing this blindly! I could NOT pull the turds out and put her in the tub and there was another one in the back of her hair! I ALMOST cut her hair to get them out but I finally got them and scrubbed her hair about 4 times!!!! It was soo gross!!! NONE of my kids ever did this before!!!