Thursday, December 9, 2010

Make Her Go Away

C'mon, do you mean to tell me a  woman whore who poses nude was offended by pics of Brett Favre's dingaling? Who saves texts for 3 years? I don't save mine for more than 2 days! And, if she was so allegedly offended, why wait 3 fucking years to complain about it?  This is clearly another case of a woman scorned by a famous dude and now she wants her 15 minutes of fame. I saw the pics. I don't know and don't care whose dick it is, this story is so ridiculous. Now he could be suspended by the NFL? THREE years later?? If she complained the day it happened, even if she enjoyed the pics, which we know she did, she might have a case of sexual harassment, but not after 3 years of keeping mum.  What is her reason to hang on to them for 3 years? Why is the NFL even humoring this bitch? Give me a break! There has to be a statute of limitations on fuck buddies gone bad.

Saturday, December 4, 2010

Incoming Traffic Does NOT Stop

Any other month of the year, I love that I live 2 minutes from my mall.  Don't get me wrong, love the Holidays, love to get out in the snow and shop in the hustle and bustle.  I do not, however, love dumbasses who cannot fucking drive. If you don't have a mall in your town, do your Christmas shopping at your local Walmart or Mom & Pop.

Incoming traffic does NOT stop!!! OMG If you have NO stop sign and two large signs on either side of your car when entering the mall parking lot that clearly state "incoming traffic does not stop", then do not fucking stop!! You jack up the whole operation and I don't have the time or patience for your bullshit! While I carry full coverage and would love nothing more than a new car for Christmas, I just don't have the time today. Stay out of Eastgate if you cannot drive!!!!!! 

Merry Christmas!! 

Sims 2 - The Twelve Pains of Christmas