Monday, September 22, 2008

Please pass the Xanax .....

Means nothing to me


This, on the other hand, You Can't Touch!
Wow! Talk about repressed childhood memories resurfacing and causing a panic attack.... Corey is now bringing home a weekly packet with homework for each night that is due on Friday morning. He brought his first packet home Friday and it took all of 15 minutes for him to complete for the entire week. He only asked for help twice.. with WORD PROBLEMS!!
omg, my heart started racing and all the memories of me sitting at the kitchen table at night in first grade and every damn grade thereafter crying because I could read and read and read that stupid little paragraph a hundred times and have NO clue where to begin. Truly, I would panic and sob hysterically while my parents patiently sat through it with me asking questions, hoping it would suddenly click in my head on it's own rather than just telling me the answers. I give them props on that one because that kind of patience does NOT come naturally to me! Hence, the Xanax comment.
Anyways, the first one was easy, all I had to do was tell him that after he read it, he had to answer the question at the end that the first part of the story told him. He didn't ask again, he wrote, 2+4=6, said "that was easy, is that all I had to do?" and went on to the next day's work. The very last item for the week was yet another word problem, now I read it and thought what the hell is this? You cannot even make an equasion out of it, the answer is just right there. HA!!! It took my first grader to correct me on that because dammit it was a trick question.
Mrs Brown bought 2 new pairs of shoes. How many new shoes does Mrs Brown have?
Uh.. yeah, whatever, If this came instantly to you, then good on ya but for me? My first thought was DUH she's got 2 shoes dummy! Well, I said nothing wondering what Corey would come up with and he said 2 shoes? Then he read it again and said "Oh she has FOUR shoes, right" I said,
"Of course she does, what took you so long to figure that one out genius?"
NO, I did NOT say that, I said "You are the smartest boy alive, that was a trick question and you were too smart to be fooled" (like your old dumb mommy) LOL
So, looks like there won't be any nights of sitting at the kitchen table with my son in tears as he struggles to comprehend word problems!!
Yay for Corey!!!

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