Friday, December 18, 2009

Liar Liar Pants on Fire

First off, let me say my prayers and tears go out wholeheartedly to Chris Henry's Mother and Children. This is a horrible underserved tragedy. And I would like to add that I have ALWAYS been a fan of Chris, through the good, the bad and the ugly. He reminds me so much of my own brother and son. Both have had their fair share and then some entanglements with the wrong side of the law over stupid things. Bad choices, maybe, but neither are a bad person.  I don't believe Chris was a bad person either. Just young and foolish for a while but lately he had straightened out his life and was headed in the right direction.

Okay.. now enough of the niceties.. let's get to what this is really about. The lying  bitch we all now know as the "fiance'".  We all know from the first we heard of the "accident" that it was bad news and fishy.  Now this morning, ESPN actually gives this murdering bitch the satisfaction that anyone would entertain the notion that what she is suddenly stating is true in any way.
All I heard is the "Eyewitness" statement that Chris' final words were "if you drive away, I will jump off this truck and kill myself". Bitch, who in the HELL is going to believe this bullshit?? NOT me, for one.  Chris Henry might have lightened up his thuggish tendencies but there is no way in hell you can convince anyone that he turned into a sniveling, groveling pussy!!! NO WAY.  Can you say "CYA".  You know damn well that YOU are the cause of his death. I am quite sure your "eyewitness" is a family member who doesn't want to be stuck raising your 3 kids if the truth were to come out. I am sure you were fighting, I am sure he jumped on the back of the truck.. but I also sure he did NOT voluntarily jump off and commit suicide!! You stupid cunt! You drove irratically and I am sure purposely flipped him out. I hope there is a REAL eyewitness to this crime and you get what YOU deserve!

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Ho's and Bitches, Bitches and Ho's and a Tiger

"I'm not a whore. I'm not a tramp. I'm not an escort. I'm not stupid or a bimbo," Uchitel insisted. "I'm very strong. I will survive this. At the same time, I'm vulnerable. I'm not here to make myself into a victim, but I want people to remember I'm human -- there's a whole other side to me. I'm caring and generous and the type of person you'd want to be friends with. People have to give me a chance."
Ok.. so a week ago, this dumb bitch swore up and down she talked to Tiger once or twice at her job and that's it. Then she hired a lawyer to sue everyone who accused her of being said whore. Well well well, boo hoo hoo, yada yada yada.... Now that all the other whores have come crawling out of the woodwork to get their fair claim to fame, suddenly she DID have an affair with Tiger but.... he LOVED her dontcha know? Clearly we all know because somehow, her PRIVATE EMAILS from Tiger have surfaced and all the gossip sites have a copy.. suddenly out of nowhere. Now HOW could this be?? She  doesn't want this publicity, yet she is making statements, posing for magazine covers and doing interviews about her affair with Tiger.
So here is the email and slut you can lay on under over or above him because you two assholes deserve each other. I hope your tips can support his broke toothless ass when Elin is through with him! I am going to get on and create my team Elin tee now. Get it, "tee" like a shirt or Tiger's face when Elin whacked the shit out of him with his golf club...
Emails obtained by In Touch Weekly illustrate an ongoing relationship between Woods and Uchitel, including one from the athlete reading: ""I know it's brutal on you that you can't be with me all the time. I get it ... I finally found someone I connect with, someone I have never found like this. Not even at home. You want someone to witness your life. I want you to lay next to me, lay on me or where ever you want to lay ... Why didn't we find each other years ago. We wouldn't be having this conversation."