Thursday, June 17, 2010

You Gotta Keep 'em Separated

Today's rant comes to you courtesy of Celebrities, Athletes and friends/business owners who need some Social Networking 101 lessons.  
Seems everyone these days wants to link everything together for you.  Enter your status update once and it goes to Twitter, Facebook, Flickr and the like.  NO NO a thousand times NO!!! 
Each of my personalities needs it own Social Networking site to play on.  
Facebook- for friends and family. My kids are my friends and this is a 'nice' place to catch up with old friends and classmates and keep in contact with family members who live in other states and countries. I keep my facebook PG rated and really only use it for updates on my family and to post family pics. 
Twitter- this is where I go to play.... where there are no holds barred and no PG ratings. I am the OG of NSFW on Twitter.  
Spiffbox- a new site, with a good idea but it doesn't seem to be catching on like originally planned. I stick it out so my daily status update is strictly to get my 10 points 'just in case' it takes off one day like Mr Spiff himself is banking on.
Foursquare- I 'friend' my Twitter followers but do not link this to my Facebook. Why do I trust complete strangers from Twitter to know my whereabouts and not my own damn family and lifelong friends from Facebook?  Don't know, that personality is taking a nap right now. I will let you know when she wakes up.
My Blog - Well, basically my blog is just a personal journal, diary whatever the cool kids are calling it these days. Like the name says Raves and Rants.  I don't know if anyone reads it, but if so, I hope you like it. 
My newest playground is Empire Avenue.  Don't know if I would love it so much if I didn't have to weasel a private invite to join.  I think the novelty may wear off, but it's a great place for now.  I do have this linked to show my Twitter feed but only because it raises my stock and the only people I "know" on there are from Twitter. 
With all that being said for myself.... here's a Social Networking tip for the aforementioned friends and business owners.  
If you have a Facebook and Twitter. I do not want to read your same posts on both places. Have a little personality, surely you are not that one dimensional.  Don't be lazy.
If you are running a business and have a personal page on your Social sites.. keep those separate too. (Stacy P).  I 'fanned' your new business page like you asked but all I get are the same damn posts back to back on my Facebook wall from you because you post the same thing to both.  KEEP 'EM SEPARATED!  Stacy should update us on what is going on with her family under her account and update us on what is going on in the local music scene on her business account. I don't need all that coming up twice every time she types one post.  
Also, if you don't have a separate business and personal account, you should. Absolutely you should.  Do you want Client X who 'friended' you on Facebook or follows you on Twitter to see the drunken pics from last weekend or your wife in her bikini on the beach? Didn't think so.  Make an account for the business and make an account for YOU but see my advice to Stacy above and everybody shout "KEEP 'EM SEPARATED"