Thursday, September 24, 2009

I got it from my Mama... err make that Papa

It has taken me 24 hours to re-hinge my jaw and I am still (gasp!) at a loss for words on this one.
What would normally constitute an immediate WTF reaction, has left me completely befuddled because we already KNOW what got F*cked!
Mackenzie, if you were molested by your Father and it took all these years for you to come to terms enough to cleanse yourself by letting the world know about it, then I would say awww poor thing, now we know why she had such a screwed up life! But you willingly and consentually boffed your own Dad for 10 years as an adult!!! Many years after your troubles began!  The ONLY reason you could possibly want to broadcast this to the entire world at this juncture in your pathetic life as a pock marked crack whore, is to get MONEY and your last 2 minutes of fame you may feel robbed of after being fired from One Day at a Time for being an aforementioned pathetic pock marked crack whore!
Damn girl!! I certainly hope you are NOT getting the attention you are craving at this time! You are a disgusting disgrace!! It makes no difference to me whether it's true or a pile of shit, because just knowing you could speak of such a sick and demented relationship of this nature proves you are the same worthless waste of space you have been for the past 30 years! I used to wish you were MY big sister when I watched your show and was too young to know anything about your drugs and getting fired when it happened.
Poor Chyna and Michelle, now you have dragged them into this sordid tale and out of what I can only assume are normal, healthy lives since TMZ has never informed us otherwise!
Of all people, Oprah should be ashamed of trying to gain sympathy for you!! What is there to sympathize with?? A GROWNASS WOMAN had sex with her dad for TEN years?? I am feeling something, but certainly not pity!

Sunday, September 13, 2009

Balls to the Wall

I am no fan of the Williams sisters, not because I personally don't like them, I just think tennis is boring and I have no interest.
However, I do find this story quite amusing because for the past 2 weeks, Russell Simmons, @unclerush on Twitter, has tweeted many many times on how much he LOVES Serena. How she is this classy woman, intelligent, so well spoken that we must ALL read her blogs and find a new respect for her and all her passion and goodwill.  I didn't read the blogs, because like I said before, I have no interest whatsoever in anything she has to say... UNLESS...... she is saying "I want to shove this fucking ball down your throat"  That is classic stuff! THAT is reality folks!
It's funny because I have yet to see any tweets from @unclerush today about what a classy lady she is!!

Friday, September 11, 2009

Foo Foo and the Poo Poo

Funny, when bunny comes out to get some exercise and leaves a little present on the floor, Kasey says "eewwwwww poop" and wouldn't think of touching it. But when brother Jamey comes into the room she says "Mamey, hey Mame, look...shocklate"!!

Do I Read/Watch too much True Crime?

We were in line at the grocery this afternoon and a man with a bandaged foot and crutches comes up and asks Chuck, "is that your daughter"?  He was referring to Kasey, sitting in the cart. Chuck replies, "Yes" and the man goes on about what a beautiful child she is and how he is married but never had kids but has nieces and nephews and we are lucky and then he smiles and says "see ya'll at church Sunday...after your Friday night".
Well I am creeped out at this point and just turned back to my business at hand.  Then I start feeling guilty because maybe he is just a nice guy trying to be friendly. Now I really feel like shit...until we were walking out and he was in front of us and his cashier called him back because he FORGOT HIS CRUTCHES!!
Chuck mumbled "hmmm he's not so hurt now" and I felt better about my original gut feeling that he was a TED BUNDY wannabe! I just wanted to get the heck outta dodge and don't think I wasn't using my mom eyes in the back of my head to make sure he wasn't watching or following us! I even took a ridiculous roundabout drive home!!!

That's My Girl!!

Obviously Kasey will not follow in Corey's sports fanatic footsteps! I hear ya sister! ...SNOOZEVILLE...Take it from mommy.. all you need to know is WAYNE GRETZKY!!! That's all I got & he will always win you the sports pie in Trivial Pursuit!

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

I am Toddler Hear Me Roar

Dear Jamey,

You should have learned a lesson from Mommy's previous post about messing with me. What makes you think I will not treat you with equal retaliation as Jensen and Corey?
I have waited very patiently all these months that you have kept me locked out of your room and this morning, you literally left the door of opportunity wide open so I lept at the chance to rip off my diaper and pee on your floor!  I did not foresee you slipping in it, which made my revenge all the sweeter, big brother.
Ps...if u tell on me, I will deny it because after all, does this look like the face of an evil scheming baby that would purposely urinate on someone's floor?