Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Just say NObama

After just reading the story on Michelle Obama's recent $500k vacation to Spain and her plans for exotic trips with girlfriends after the New Year AND her plans to redecorate the White House AND their Chicago home, you can imagine the steam rolling out of my ears and the flames shooting out of my eyeballs right now.  The New Year plans and redecorating are expected to topple $2million...

As a 99er and Democratic and now FORMER Obama supporter, I was so infuriated that I ran to Twitter and told the big guy that thanks to his wife, he can kiss my ass. He will never get another ounce of support out of me. As much as I cannot stand the Republicans, I am not switching teams. I am simply throwing in the towel and washing my hands on the lot of 'em.

I am a firm believer in not discussing religion and politics but dammit, what a load of shit!! Fuck you, Barack, get your wife under control (something else you have NEVER heard me say to a man).  I can't find a job, you can't balls up and force another extension through. I will be homeless soon and your wife will be galavanting around in a tropical paradise... One more FUCK YOU before I go.

I am currently awaiting the helicopters to start swarming my house.  Better go put the good lipstick on.