Friday, August 20, 2010

Bye Bye Bunny Foo Foo

Kids and Pets... not a great combo. My mother ALWAYS stressed "As long as you have kids or pets, you will never have anything nice" How right was she???? She should know, she had 3 of us kids and we were NEVER petless.

So last September, I broke down from my wonderful world of petlessness and let the kids get a bunny. A dwarf bunny. Spent an assload of money at the petstore on said bunny, food, toys, cage, water bottle, food bowl & bedding. I was the best mom ever, they loved this bunny, were going to take it out to play everyday, feed it, change the cage and if you are a parent, you know all those false promises. In the past year bunny has ONLY been fed, changed and watered by me. Nobody has an interest in letting her out to play. I have had enough.

I put the bunny on Craigslist the other day and today I finally found a suckertaker. Had my 14 year old NOT been home today (she is never ever ever home), I swear to you it would have taken her 3 weeks to even notice it was gone, and that would probably be because another kid told her. But she was here, not feeding, cleaning the cage or playing with the bunny, mind you. When I told her I was giving the bunny away, she got all attitude-y with me. Shot me down with looks that could kill. But did she offer to take over the duties? NO..I just suck for giving it away. I am tired of the phony crocodile tears.. been there done that.. I had no intention of changing my bunny cage or cat litter boxes when I was a kid either. But I damn sure put up a good front with tears and all. When she wants to quit cheer, gymnastics, sleepovers, shopping and vacationing with friends THEN we will talk bunnies. Until then, Kasey's diapers are the only shit I plan to clean up and those days are numbered. OVER IT...
Now.. about those puppies...

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