Monday, April 19, 2010

Just Say NO to Nickelodeon

Long time no blog... I am so wrapped up tweeting what I think when I think it these days that I only think in 140 character increments anymore! 
But this morning, it would take at least a dozen or more tweets to spill it so here I am.

One of my potty training strategies for my ever so stubborn 2 year old is to always point out how her besties Dora, Diego and Kai Lan are all potty trained big kids and on the rare occasion we do use our princess potty, it is a big ordeal for Kasey to hand me the phone to "call" Dora, Diego and Kai Lan to let them know she is a big kid, too and went potty just like them. 

So, imagine my dismay at Nick Jr. this morning when they advertise that it is SUPER BABIES week and the promo has Dora & Diego in diapers and capes flying through the air and the FIRST thing Kasey does is turn to me and say "look, they DO wear diapers" ! Thank you Nick Jr for sending us back to ground zero on potty training. She is never going to stop rubbing this one in my face when it is "potty time".  Now I must go find a missing toddler who I am sure is hiding in a corner shitting her diaper because that's how the Super Babies roll! 

1 comment:

Jarie said...

ROFL! That f*ing Dora, she can't count past ten and now pees her pants too? Stick to Sesame Street, no pants wearing there, period. :)